Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sage and Sierra

Mountain Sage is the local coffeeshop that we all frequent, meaning we go everyday like clockwork. Haven't missed a day yet since I've been here. Pretty fantastic. Many hours are spent at the Sage...many, many, many...I should probably get a handle on the coffee addiction but then what would I do with all my time?
Ryan moonlighting (or is it daylighting) as a barista.
Not that you can tell from the picture but that there coffee cup is approximately the size of a soup bowl and full of mocha deliciousness. Yes, everyday.An random assortment of scenery.
Did I mention I get paid to wander around these places?

Full moon (or close to it) pictures of the valley and half dome. Can you tell it's night time? eh? Well it is, trust me on this one.

The other night we went up to one of our meadows to do a survey but managed to forget some of the more important pieces of equipment. Long story, short...we listened to Spotted Owls and looked for frogs and newts instead. California Newts are gearing up for spring if you know what I'm saying. We found quite a few of them wandering around. Pretty darn cute little buggers. Pacific Chorus Frogs have been going off like crazy recently too which can make it rather difficult to hear owls at times.

1 comment:

  1. Sharna,

    Those newts are so cute. Seem larger than our Eastern Newts.
